Repository for the BIO650 web site at Includes information regarding schedule, assessment, teaching material etc.
Lectures cover six broad areas:
During the course, students are handed (classic) papers of the field (including authoritative reviews) as well as selected recent original research articles followed by discussion groups. Papers discussing controversial issues are the basis of individual assignments resulting in oral presentations and discussion groups. A group project (2-3 students per group), using freely available or simulated real-world data and freely available tools is presented at the end of the semester (written report and oral presentation) followed by discussion.
Students should be able to:
This course is taught in English and is available to ERASMUS+/YUFE students.
Meetings for this class are organized as follows:
Lectures: Friday, 18.00-21.00 (Room 001, ΧΩΔ01 building; available to YUFE+ students online via Teams).
Tutorials/Practicals: Wednesday, 13.00-14.00 (Room 003, ΧΩΔ01 building; available to YUFE+ students online via Teams).
Class web: Class material on the web can be accessed at the
Class web page
Teams group (BIO650-Fall2023) [only students enrolled in BIO650 have access]
Final exam: details (e.g. date, room etc) will be arranged by the Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Service (AASWS) of the University of Cyprus (
Note: According to the UCY regulations class attendance is obligatory.
Bioinformatics Research Laboratory @UCY 2005-2023.