
Repository for the BIO650 web site at Includes information regarding schedule, assessment, teaching material etc.

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BIO650 - Special Topics in Bioinformatics - Assessment (Fall 2023)

Instructor: Asscociate Prof. Vasilis J Promponas.

The final class grade results using several different assessment criteria, as follows:

Assessment criteria Weight
Attendance/Participation (AP) 10%
Homework (HW) 20%
Seminar (SE) 30%
Midterm Exam (ME) 10%
Final Exam (FE) 30%

Final Grade = 0.10*AP + 0.20*HW + 0.30*SE + 0.10*ME +0.30*FE

An alternative path (after approval of the instructor) includes pursuing an independent Computer Programming/Data Analysis project (PR), which can be assessed up to 40% of the total class grade (based on the additional workload of the assignment).

In this case, the final grade is computed as

Final Grade = x*PR + (1-x) * (0.10*AP + 0.20*HW + 0.30*SE + 0.10*ME +0.30*FE)

where x corresponds to the weight of the independent project that will be decided between individual students and the instructor, based on the workload of the assigned project.

Bioinformatics Research Laboratory @UCY 2005-2023.