BIO230 - Introduction to Computational Biology - Code of Conduct
By participating in this class, in addition to the constant efforts for fulfilling the learning outcomes associated with the course,
we declare our committment in maintaining an environment which will assist all of us (students and teaching staff) to fulfil our goals,
according to the established academic norms. In all activities related to this course we commit to respect the
UCY Code of Conduct for Teaching.
Important practical details
- For all assignments a definitive deadline is discussed and decided during lectures/practicals. All assignments should be delivered in electronic format, usually by email to the instructor and cc-ed to the TAs.
- Overdue delivery cannot be considered an option per se: it can be permitted only in special occasions and after previous discussion with the instructor (i.e before the official deadline is reached) and will be penalized using an internal formula (e.g. an exponential decay function of delay-time).
- All homework assignments are considered to be individual (except Seminars and related work – which are group assignments), unless otherwise noted.
- Co-operation between students in individual assignments is highly encouraged. This co-operation may include discussion of relevant topics and problem-solving approaches. However, it is expected that such submitted works are clearly the intellectual results of an individual’s own effort. Regarding group assignments, the final submission is the result of the group’s effort and should include a section clearly acknowledging the contribution of each group member in shaping the resulting report/presentation etc.
- Any clarification, mentoring, and assistance regarding the BIO230 class (with respect to assignments, taught material etc.) should be sought directly from the instructor and/or the designated TAs. This can be achieved during the classes/tutorials, designated office hours and/or by personal appointment.
- Seminar and project results will be presented in front of the class audience. Participation in these sessions is obligatory and is considered a part of the class. Students/groups should submit their reports (and ideally their presentations) for feedback at least one week before the scheduled presentation date.
- Any incidence of suspected plagiarism or any other practices in contrast with the academic code of conduct will be subject to the existing rules of the UCY.
If in doubt about any of the above (or any other issue), please contact the course instructor.
Bioinformatics Research Laboratory @UCY 2005-2023.